From the Spanish Conquest to the end of the nineteenth
The arrival of the Spanish in the region was made in a settlement process initiated from Santa Marta by Pedro Fernandez de Lugo , where Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada was simply an expeditionary without the ability to start. He left the latter in 1538 with a mission to inform Fernandez de Lugo on land, but after several months of hardship and where the Muisca were thrown into the valley of sorrows ( Neiva ) was established in the highlands. Months later they Federmann and Belalcázar and April 27, 1539 Bogotá was established definitively.
The conquest need self-financing, that is why soon after the expeditions continued and came to Tocaima and Ibaque and from there to the south and west of the country, staying in Bogota about 180 conquistadors, which began circulating around the altiplano and foothill (this happened the first five years after the founding of Bogotá). During this process occurs the first approach to the rule of the sutagaos, naming encomendero for Indians and trying to found a city: Summa-Paz Altagracia.
An Indian sculpture at the entrance sutagao Fusagasugá, Colombia on the Panamerican Highway.
This was due to an attempt to have a military outpost and not allow attacks panches and pijaos. But these intentions were not successful, not only because it
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