Large tracts of investors who took over Bogota, with the permission of the national government, meant that many of these settlers or former tenants to become owners of new landowners. In addition, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries came to the region many immigrants looking for work, which were taken in the large estates (built to exploit coffee) quite disadvantageous in terms of employment.
These ambiguities in land ownership were many lawsuits , which were mostly handled by the landowners, [ citation needed ] causing discontent common among agricultural workers.The latter had since the late 1920's significant support in the lawyer Jorge Eliecer Gaitan , who taking advantage of the circumstances organized its first political group of some significance called UNITE . But in practice the courts will turn to violence, initially occurring several raids on farms, but with the passage of time and the failed policies of the government on land reform, these groups were becoming scarce guerrillas of increased military presence and territorial.
These insurgents were during the 1950s fueled by partisan strife in the sixties of the century by the ideas of origin communist . From there and with the strengthening of the guerrilla groups FARC from the 70s to the 90s the conflict in the
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