The people of Fusagasugá during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries half, passed his life between oblivion and misery, to be exploited in favor of paying tribute established by the Spanish. Working in areas designated for agriculture and livestock was usual, hoping one other holiday for processions within the village and some nearby, not only to continue worshiping the Christian God , but remember the ancestors step; also were the days needed to get drunk on chicha and guarapo .
Meanwhile, Fusagasugá became a zone of illegality, because the presence of the State and the Church was minimal, motivated in turn by the poverty of the area. This situation allowed the shelter of outlaws, favoring the mixture of Indians and whites, a fact that led to the proliferation of mestizos. To this was added, the provision from the land of spirits to Santa Fe , since cultivated sugarcane or extracted honey.
During the eighteenth century there was an increase in population, due to improved weather resistance and (built) of bodies. But Fusagasugá growing population was not indigenous, mestizo but, still being located mostly in rural areas. Due to the decline of the native population and social and political complications of whites to live in police, in 1772 there was a request to move the Indians to form white people. But Indian resistance in voice parish priest did not wait
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