
History of Lepenski Vir

p:4.8pt;margin-right:0cm;margin-bottom:6.0pt;margin-left: 0cm;line-height:14.4pt;background:white">The earliest sculptures found on the site date to the time of LepenskiVirIb settlement. They are present in all the following layers until the end of the distinct Lepenskivir culture. All the sculptures were carved from round sandstone cobbles found on the river banks.

The sculptures can be separated in two distinct categories, one with simple geometric patterns and the other representing humanoid figures. The latter are the most interesting. All of these figural sculptures were modelled in a naturalistic and strongly expressionistic manner. Only the head and face of the human figures were modelled realistically, with strong brow arches, an elongated nose, and a wide, fish-like mouth. Hair, beard, arms and hands can be seen on some of the figures in a stylized form. Many fish-like features can be noticed. Along with the position which these sculptures had in the house shrine, they suggest a connection with river gods
