
History of Lepenski Vir

same culture and time period were discovered in the surrounding area. These additional sites include HajduckaVodenica, Padina, Vlasac, Ikaona, KladovskaSkela and others. Found artifacts include tools made from stone and bones, the remains of houses, and numerous sacral objects including unique stone sculptures.

It is assumed that the people of LepenskiVir culture represent the descendants of the early European population of the Brno-Předmostí (Czech Rep.) hunter gatherer culture from the end of the last ice age. Archeological evidence of human habitation of the surrounding caves dates back to around 20,000 BC. The first settlement on the low plateau dates back to 7000 BC, a time when the climate became significantly warmer.

The development of the settlement was strongly influenced by the topology of the surrounding area. It sat on a narrow plateau on the banks of the river, squeezed between cliffs and the flow of the Danube. As such it offered only limited resources in terms of food, raw materials and living space. This is
