Western painting developed in the state during the colonial period, when artists such as Pedro de Rojas L�pez, Tom�s Noriega and Diego Sanabria produced primarily religious art. More diverse production came into being in the 19th century forward; Jos� Mariano Perrusquia y Rubio, Mariano Montenegro and Germ�n Pati�o D�az produced paintings and even photography. Pati�o D�az was the director of the old Academia de Dibujo y Pintura de San Fernando, which trained more artists in the state such as Agust�n Rivera Ugalde. The 20th century produced artists such as Braulio Rodr�guez Granda, Jes�s Rodr�guez de la Vega, Jes�s �guila Herrera and Restituto Rodr�guez Camacho. The current generation of Quer�taro artists includes Rafael Rodr�guez, Virginia Ledesma, Rams�s de la Cruz and Juan Eduardo Mu�oz .
The state has produced a large number of writers. Major writers from the 19th century include poet and journalist Juan Mar�a Wenceslao S�nchez de la Barquera y Morales, poet and short story writer N�stora T�llez Rend�n, poet and orator Celestino D�az Dom�nguez, journalist and playwright Luis Fr�as Hern�ndez, writer and doctor Hilari�n Fr�as y Soto and poet and academic Juan B. Delgado. The early 20th century produced poet and translator Francisco Cervantes, arguably the most important literary figure from Quer�taro internationally; poet and journalist Jos� Dolores Fr�as Rodr�guez, songwriter Carlos Cabrera Pedraza, novelist Alfredo Co�llar G�mez and poet Carlos Septi�n Garc�a. The current generation of writers includes poets Rom�n Luj�n, Luis Alberto Arellano, Benjam�n Moreno, C�sar Cano and Tadeus Arg�eyo.
Indigenous music can be found in Otomi areas, such as in the municipalities of Amealco and the arid central areas of the state. Often this includes trios consisting of two flutes or two violins with a drum, most often played for community celebrations. The Otomi ofTolim�n have a variant of Otomi music called vi�uetes, which is played with one large drum, one