Most of the state is dry, with the exception of the north, which is temperate and rainy. The average temperature is 18�C. Three well-defined climate areas are in the state. The south has a temperate and fairly wet climate. Temperatures are relatively stable through the year, ranging from an average of between 12 and 18�C, with most rain falling in the summer. This region includes the municipalities of Amealco, Huimilpan, Pedro Escobedo, San Juan del R�o and Corregidora. The center and west have drier and hotter climates, especially in areas under 2,000 m ASL. Here, the Sierra Madre Oriental and parts of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt impide moist air from arriving. This dry area includes the municipalities of Quer�taro, Corregidora, El Marqu�s, Pe�amiller, Esequiel Montes, Cadereyta, San Juan del R�o, Tolim�n and Tequisquiapan. The Sierra Madre Oriental area has climates that range from temperate to cold, varying significantly from north to south and even more due to altitude. The north tends to be warmer than the south, but average temperatures can range from 18 to 28�C in lower elevations and between 14 and 20�C in higher elevations