The nearest airport is at Bhubaneswar 211 km (131 mi). There is an airstrip at Gudari 5 km from Phulbani town for landing small planes and helicopters.
The nearest railway station is Rairakhol, on the Sambalpur – Bhubaneshwar line, which is 99 km from Phulbani. However Berhampur 165 km (103 mi) away from Phulbani is another convenient rail link. One could conveniently make Phulbani the district headquarters/ Balliguda, the sub-divisional headquarter as the base for visiting the places of interest.
By road, Kandhamal can approached from Sambalpur via Baudh (170 km, 106 miles) and Berhampur (165 km) as well as from Bhubaneshwar via Nayagarh (210 km, 130 miles). It is 170 km (110 mi) away from Bolangir.
While there are no dedicated tourist buses to the places of interest in the district, taxis may be hired at Phulbani or Balliguda. There is no Railway rout in kandhamal till now