The people of Kandhmal celebrate all the Hindu Oriya festivals. The Danda Nach is celebrated in the district mainly by tribal’s, especially Kondha and gond tribe. they observe this for thirteen days with sanctity. People go fasting for all the thirteen days who vewed for the particular boon or for grace. The festival starts from first April and closes on thirteenth day. The closing ceremony is called as "Meru". In the month of January Kondhs do Puja after harvesting in the villages as per their own convenience. This puja is called "Sisaa Laka". In the month of March they perform puja to get blessings from the village deity (Darni Penu) and "Saaru Penu" mountain deity to collect the mohua flower and green mangoes as well as the forest products. After offerings to the deity only they Collect the product as their food etc. In the month of April/may the offer the mohua flower in the form of cakes to village deity, this is called "Maranga Laka". On special occasions "Kedu Laka" is done depending on the requirement of the mother earth, which is decided by the village priest Locally called "Kuta Gatanju". After the sowing of the crops, to appease the mother earth puja is performed for good crop at the village deity by the priest calls "Jakera". This Puja is called "Bora Laka". This puja is done in the month of September/October. In the month of November/December new crop is collected and out of which Chuda and rice is prepared and made khiri which is offered to village deity and the villagers eat the new food. This same as the Nua Khai in the western part of Odisha