The L�neburg Theatre (Theater L�neburg) is one of the smallest, three-stage theatres in Germany. Not only are plays of all styles put on, but also operas, operettas, musicals and ballets. Although the financial means of the L�neburg Theatre are comparatively limited, it is no 'provincial stage' and can hold its ground successfully against the many theatres in nearby Hamburg. In addition L�neburg has a large number of amateur theatres, that also produce regular performances. Such a variety in amateur drama is otherwise only found in large cities like Hamburg or Hanover. Examples include (arranged in order of year founded):
� Niederdeutsche B�hne S�lfmeister
� Kleines Keller Theater e. V.
� Amateurtheater Rampenlicht e. V.
� Theater Spotlight
� theater im e.novum where ten amateur dramatic groups perform (children, youths and adults)
In addition there are amateur theatres in the many surrounding districts such as the Puschentheater in Melbeck, the Plattsnack Widsbold in Marxen am Berge and the Kleine Salzh�user Theater (KleiST) in Salzhausen.
The historic town is itself a kind of open air museum (a "Rothenburg of the North"), but this is further enlivened by numerous museums and old churches (St. Michael's, St. John's, St. Nicholas'). The most important museums are the German Salt Museum in the premises of the old L�neburg Saltworks, in which the significance of salt in the Middle Ages and the extraction of salt is vividly portrayed, and the Museum of the Principality of L�neburg, in which the town's history and the history of the surrounding area is captured. Also worthy of mention are the East Prussian State Museum, the nearby North German Brewery Museum with a gallery of valuable drinking vessels (over 1200 years), the 1485 Kronen Brewery of L�neburg and the L�neburg Nature Museum on the edge of the subsidence zone