� Football: FC Hansa L�neburg (formed by merging L�neburger SK with the football section of L�neburger SV), Oberliga
� Basketball: MTV Treubund L�neburg, 2.Regionalliga (Women) Stadtliga (Men)
� Ice-hockey: Adendorfer EC, Regionalliga
� Handball: HSG L�neburg, Regionalliga
� Volleyball: SVG L�neburg, 2. Bundesliga
� Baseball: L�neburg Woodlarks, Regionalliga
� American Football: L�neburg Jayhawks, Oberliga
At one time L�neburg had over 80 breweries. The L�neburger Kronen Brewery of 1485 in Heiligengeiststra�e brewed beers such as L�neburger Kronen-Pilsener and Moravia Pilsener that were very well known in North Germany. These beers are brewed today by the Holsten Brewery in Hamburg, although the original yeast stock (Hefest�mme) was destroyed when the Kronen Brewery was taken over. Only the original L�neburger Pilsener is still produced as before, although it is now made by the Holsten Brewery and only sold on tap. Today there are just two small inn breweries left in L�neburg. In the Nolte Inn Brewery (Gasthausbrauerei Nolte) some distance from the centre on the Dahlenburger Landstra�e and in the Brau- und Tafelhaus M�lzer in Heiligengeiststra�e the tradition of L�neburger breweries lives on.
L�neburg is also known for other cuisine, such as the Heidschnuckenbraten (roast mutton from moorland sheep) and smelt, a small fish that comes into season in spring. Another culinary rarity is a regional variation of the Danish Labskaus (Skipperlabskovs, colloquially referred to as Gammel danske kaus). On Christmas Eve it is traditional to have kale (Gr�nkohl) with bregenwurst, a type of sausage