� Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater (at the Stadttheater) and Symphony Orchestra
� Niederdeutsche B�hne der Stadt Flensburg ("Low German Stage of the city of Flensburg")
� Det Lille Teater (Danish theatre)
� Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel (Theatre Workshop)
� Orpheus-Theater
� Town Archive, a very comprehensive collection, at the town hall
� Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig, with archive of the Danish minority and Schleswig book collection
� Town Library
� State Central Library and Zentrale Hochschulbibliothek (Central College Library)
� Museumsberg � Museum for artistic and cultural history.
� Schifffahrtsmuseum � Museum for shipping and shipbuilding.
� Rummuseum � History of the "Rum Town" of Flensburg.
� Naturwissenschaftliches Museum � Animal and plant worlds of northern Schleswig-Holstein.
� Museumshafen � Private initiative for maintaining old traditional working boats mainly from the Baltics (Segelschiffe).
� Museumswerft � Shipbuilding (sail) of bygone centuries. The place also has a children's boatyard.
� Fischereimuseum � Initiative of the fishery association, lies on the old Fischery harbour.
� Ph�nomenta � For experiencing and understanding nature and technology.
� Salondampfer "Alexandra" � Passenger Steamer built 1908. The "Alexandra" regularly makes small trips in the Flensburg F�rde (Bay)
� Klassische Yachten Flensburg � Classic Yacht Harbour. Private Initiative to present classic yachts typical for the Baltics.
� Gerichtshistorische Sammlung � a collection