of legal history at the Flensburg State Court.
� Bergm�hle � Association for maintaining the historic windmill from 1792.
� Johannesburger Heimatstube � Documents, pictures and writings from East Prussia.
Flensburg has a well preserved Old Town with many things to see from centuries gone by. Characteristic is the row along the waterfront. Three of the four old town cores are found along this north-south axis. The building boom in Imperial times led to a partial rebuilding of the Old Town, but without destroying its structure, and rather leading to notable expansion of the town. Virtually unscathed in the Second World War, Flensburg, like other places in Germany, adopted a policy of getting rid of old buildings and building anew in the style of the times. This trend was limited in Flensburg by a lack of money, but before the policy was finally stopped in the late 1970s, countless old buildings had been demolished in the north and east Old Town to be replaced by newer structures. Despite great losses, Flensburg still comes across as having a compact, well preserved Old Town in the valley with good additions to what was built in the founders' time on the surrounding heights.
� Johanniskirche, town's oldest church, 12th century
� Marienkirche, High Gothic, Baroque additions, tower from 1885, well decorated
� Nikolaikirche, Gothic main church, famous organ design by Hinrich Ringeringk
� Heiliggeistkirche (Hellig�ndskirken), former chapel of the Hospital zum Heiligen Geist
� Franziskanerkloster, ruins from 1263
� Nordertor, a gate, and the town's landmark
� Kompagnietor another gate, built in 1602, shipping company and harbour gate
� Alt-Flensburger Haus, where the Eckener brothers' parents lived, Norderstra�e