The entrance to the property is by a post empuentado from Canyon; the reason why don Domingo made his home on the lagoon was to protegersen of wild animals because the whole area was surrounded by pristine mountain, and the only nearby house was located on the site cachirisito, which unfortunately was demolished recently the new owner of the farm, which was the property of the deceased grandparents paternosdel recognized trader Elmer Ortega El Playon
At that time Don Gabriel Mejia arrived from Rio Negro being a 14 year old looking for work to earn their wages. Since ending the early 1930s, there was a settlement of farmers from the region of Norte de Santander groves in an area of the ranch las vegas, who were displaced en masse by violent acts of partisan character that originated in the government of then President Olaya Herrera.
The shantytown built sand called and few years later fuenuevamente victim of violence and disappeared by fire. This gave rise to the provincial government acquired 34 acres of land to build the village of El Playon, where today is the shopping area and the neighborhoods, and the new town center Guacharacales. The first buildings are now occupied by the offices of telecom, council, court, parish house, police station and the old health post.
By virtue of this fact then governor by Decree 1055 of 1945 created the township with the inspection of police and appointed the first inspector of police of the population. Since then it grew and developed economically acquiring the ability to be an autonomous territory thus starting the civic struggle led by a group of popular leaders like Rafael Conde, Ciro Leal,
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