
Economy of Talca

Primary Sector

Natural resource bases are varied, but agriculture is central to the economy talquina. Currently usual crops are vegetables, fruits and cereals, in rural areas of the district as Huilquilemu, Lircay, The East, Victoria, Aurora, Panguilemo, among others. But are the vineyards which are of particular importance, being the Maule Valley , whose head is Talca, the area of greatest wine producing country with about 45% of the total.

The livestock (mainly pigs and poultry) is important because it is based in important industries. Mining, represented by the deposit The Sneak (gold), today is almost inactive.

Secondary sector and tertiary

East 18th Street and Avenida San Miguel.In the background, Victoria Mill plant.

Talca is the main industrial center of the region and the Central Valley. Basically home industries are engaged in processing of agricultural resources of the surrounding area. Items featured are the paper industry, wood, plastics and metallurgy, canning, milling, food and beverages, such as Calaf -, meat processing and sausage (especially cattle, pigs and poultry), it highlights Fern�ndez Products -. It also highlights the industry viticulture .

Crucially, the arrival of immigrant entrepreneurs (Spanish, Arabic, Italian and German) that reinforced the manufacturing and trade. Along with this, hydro power development in the province of Talca further boosted industrial activity, with the central-Machicura Colb�n, built in the 1980s.

However, numerous earthquakes ( 1928 , 1939 and 1960 ) and the excessive centralization of political and economic Chile around Santiago , have eroded talquino industrial growth, especially since the second half of the twentieth century .

The city is an important center of trade and services. Its main shopping street is 1 South, where they are located, along with his 1 North, most of the banks, financial institutions, retail stores and major