Located in the eastern part of the metropolitan area of Greater Valparaiso . Territorial units are the same Quilpu� and The Belloto , area that has seen rapid growth and whose aspiration is to become an independent municipality. This district is known as the "City of the Sun" since much remains sunny and warm coastal communes of the city of Valparaiso, thanks to its geography does not allow the entry of coastal cloudiness Marga Marga Valley where is located next to Villa Alemana .
The railway formed an essential part in the development of the community. If the railroad had been built according to the original plan had been considered, along the coast to Concon, and Villa Alemana Quilpu� certainly would not have achieved the growth, development and progress achieved. Railroad tracks not divided the populated areas, but united and coalesced to large areas around the stations were established. However, at present, this growth Greater Valparaiso wide sector has been partitioned by the railway.
For these stations came earth products to be shipped to their markets and destinations. Currently, the Metro de Valpara�so is completing the implementation of the modernization of the railway between the towns of Valparaiso and Limache, that is what has been reduced the once proud national railway network in the mid-nineteenth century joined the capital with the first port of the Republic in a feat recognized by all and in all areas.
In a few decades after the end of that feat, which added to Copiapo Railroad, the first in Chile and South America, it was possible to travel from Quilpu� points as extreme as Puerto Montt and Iquique without major problems in an environment that was safe , comfortable and not just a communications artery but a real development center. Originally the railway lines should continue northward, reaching Re�aca then Concon. But a new expert who came to take charge of the construction work determined it was too dangerous to