venture to build the railway across the sands and dunes that dominate the landscape of Re�aca and Conc�n, and dared venture to propose a new route through the gorge of Vi�a del Mar estuary to Las Juntas, where she could follow the creek that frames the Quilpu� estuary inland.
Opened on 23 November 2005 , and successor to the EFE MERVAL, Metro Valpara�so has 1 line along the regional capital and its metropolitan area, starting in the town of Valparaiso , passed by Vi�a del Mar , following the Quilpu� communes, Villa Alemanato end in Limache , a municipality that does not belong to Gran Valpara�so but was drawn there as many of its citizens were using the old service Metrotren, operating MERVAL subsidiary of EFE in Valparaiso and the same as Metro manages today. Line 1 has 20 stations, of which the most important, mostly correspond to the centers of the municipalities of Gran Valpara�so and Puerto stations are, Baron, Vi�a del Mar, Quilpu�, Villa Alemana and Limache.
With modernization carried out in 2005, unfortunately, and except in Vi�a del Mar, the railway line had no major changes. This has resulted in the port that the road continue on street level, so it is in the districts of eastern metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, where the trellises have divivido to urban areas in two parts.
Added to this are a number of initiatives that could not materialize as a line 2 to Re�aca and overburden in Valparaiso by Pedro Montt Avenue to Customs as failures Valparaiso Urban Transport should feed the Metro with passengers did not allow proper development of the system, just dawning in 2011, achieved meagerly blue figures.
In addition to these efficiencies we realize that, like all transportation today, the lack of continuity in the subway routes creates an environment similar to Metro de Santiago, where the movement of people increases, discomfort is increased and complaints by users increases.
While modernization