Buses and minibuses connect Rach Gia and Ha Tien (2h30, 50,000 Dong), Hon Chong (2h30, 50,000 Dong), Can Tho (3 hrs), Long Xuyen (1.5 hrs), and Ho Chi Minh City (6 hrs).
From the Cambodian border, motos can be hired to Ha Tien, from where buses connect to Rach Gia. The green mini-buses of Mai Linh company are faster as they do not stop to collect passengers along the way. If these are full, the marginally-cheaper local bus also plies the route. It is best to wait for the bus in one of the cafes on the road leading out of the bus station, since the bus will crawl out of the bus station at the scheduled departure time, but take 10-15 minutes to reach the main road as it tries to drum up more passengers.
There are flights on Vietnam Airlines to and from Phu Quoc and Ho Chi Minh City (both under 1hr).
There are ferries (8 hrs) and hydrofoils (2.5 hrs) to Phu Quoc. Hydrofoils to Phu Quoc leave at 07.45, 08.00 and 13.30. The morning boats cost 240,000 Dong. The afternoon boat costs 220,000 Dong. The journey takes 2 1/2 hours. There are lots of ticket offices near the port