The nearest airport is in Da Nang which has domestic connections to Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Hue and some international flights to Bangkok, Singapore Siem Reap, Cambodia (for Angkor Wat) and charter flights to China.
A taxi from Danang airport to Hoi An costs about US$22 using a taxi with a meter. This is one occasion where haggling to set a fixed price is cheaper than going by the meter. As of November 2011 one traveller reports paying around 300,000 VND while the meter read over 400,000 VND. Air-conditioned Minibus-Taxis cost 5 US$ per person (there are no minibuses in airport, you should go first to the city). The ride takes about 45min.
Generally in Vietnam call by telephone and book a taxi with Mai Linh taxi as they are the most reliable and honest (this is their mission) - and pay meter charge.
A word of caution about flying Jetstar: they are frequently up to 8 hours late, many times arriving at Danang from Saigon at 2AM. If you arrive late, you should arrange an private airport transfer in advance if you don't want the taxi haggling reliable local car rental company in Hoi An
A company called Go Travel Vietnam (GTV) at 61 Phan Chau Trinh St. on the corner of Le Loi Street, phone: for English consultant: 0915 454 949 or Vietnamese consultant: offers transfers from Hoi An to Danang Airport and Train Station at 5 set times per day for 80,000 VND. This is by far the cheapest way to get from Hoi An to Danang airport or train station in October 2012, you must go into GTV to pre book one day in advance. They can also organize private car transfers FROM your hotel or from the Airport or train station as well for 290,000vnd. They were also able to arrange motorbike transfer to the airport for 150,000 VND for a midnight flight.
There is no railway station in Hoi