Economic activity
The river is navigable for most of its length, and dredging enables ocean ships to go as far asCiudad Bol�var, at the confluence of the Caron� River, 435 km (270 mi) upstream. River steamers carry cargo as far as Puerto Ayacucho and the Atures Rapids.
El Florero Iron Mine
In 1926 a Venezuelan mining inspector found one of the richest iron ore deposits near the Orinoco delta, south of the town of San Felix on a mountain name El Florero. Full-scale mining of the ore deposits began after World War II, by a conglomerate of Venezuelan firms and US steel companies. At the start in the early 1950s, about 10,000 tons of ore-bearing soil was mined per day.
Orinoco Tar Sands
The Orinoco river deposits also contain extensive tar sands in the Orinoco oil belt, which may be a source of future oil production.
Recreation and sports
Since 1988, the local government of Ciudad Guayana has conducted a swim race in the rivers Orinoco and Caron�, with up to 1000 competitors. Since 1991, the "Paso a Nado Internacional de los Rios Orinoco-Caron�" has been celebrated every year, on a Sunday close to 19 April. Worldwide, this swim-meet has gained in importance, and it has a large number of competitors