The continental area corresponds to dry tropical forest climate. There are as well plants adapted to high salinity and in some areas xerophilous vegetation like cactus. Some examples of plants that can be found are: "Olivo Caparis", "Indio desnudo" (Bursera simaruba) "Saladillo", different types of mangrove swamps (Rhizophora, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa and Conocarpus erectus) etc.The sea vegetation includes seaweeds of various types (Faner�gama marina, Thalassia testudinum,Justicia falconensis, Aspilia falconensis, Phthirusa mar�tima, Lorantaceae, Pitcairnia steyermarki) some only found in this park. The fauna of the park include approximately 266 species of birds. Among the list of birds are: "corocoras", "tijeretas de mar", flamings, pelicans, herons and much others. As well as the birds, the park has turtles, dolphins, whales, coral reefs and fish like: "mero", "pargo", "curbina", "s�balo" and sea bass. In the continental area there are mammals like: deers, "araguatos" (a type of monkey) "cunaguaros"(a type of wild cat)and others