Los Nevados is a beautiful pueblito (small village) set deep in the Andes and separated from M�rida by the highest mountain in Venezuela, Pico Toro (4755m), Pico Leon (4740), Pico Bolivar (5007m). Access is by foot, by horse, or by 4 wheel drive vehicles. GUAMANCHI EXPEDITIONS, C.A. settled a posada in Los Nevados since August 1995 , it features 26 high quality beds, hot water, hammocks on the 27 metre balcony, and stunning views into the valley below.This is the single most popular mountain tour we offer, and with good reason - in just 3 days you pass through 4 distinct climatic regions between 1600 metres and 4200 metres metres; you travel by jeep, on a mule trail, and on foot; you experience the traditional way of life of the Andean people; and all this without the strain of heavy packs and camping. This is a real mountain tour for (almost!) all the family