
History of Los Guayos

*    On 20 February 1694, don Francisco Berroter�n, governor of Venezuela Province, declared Los Guayos "town of Indians". The area was part of the Indian tribe of the Guayos.

*    On 6 June 1710 the priest Mariano de Mart� made "Los Guayos" a parish.

*    1751: inhabitants of Los Guayos joined the national uprising led by Francisco de Le�n against the Compa��a Guipuzcoana.

*    1812: Francisco de Miranda left a troop in the town of Los Guayos to defend the road against the Spanish troops while he followed his campaign in the Valencia region. The troop engaged in a battle with the Spanish troops and was about to win the battle when one of its officers turned to the enemy. The troop then dispersed itself