Key West Express company operates daily high-speed passenger ferries from Ft. Myers Beach and Marco Island.
Private Boaters Experienced boaters can navigate to Key West along the Atlantic side of the Keys or by traveling on the Gulf of Mexico side. The first part of the trip takes you through the specially-marked Intracoastal Waterway. After Long Key, however, international markers apply. Consult the appropriate Coast Pilot and Light List manuals. Numerous marinas are waiting to entertain you, but you should make reservations ahead.
Cruise Ships In 1969 the Port of Key West received its first regularly scheduled cruise ship. The three docking facilities -- Mallory Square Dock, Pier B (privately owned by Westin), and the Navy Mole -- service over half a million passengers a year.
Currently, there are NO international ferries to the Caribbean or the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Closest thing would be the cruise ship excursions to the foreign port of cal and back. See above or contact the
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