In Mariupol there are 56 industrial enterprises under various patterns of ownership. The industry of the city is diverse, among which the city's heavy industry is dominant. Mariupol is home to the major steel mills (including some globally important) and chemical plants; there is also an important seaport and a railroad junction. The largest enterprises are Ilyich Iron and Steel Works, Azovstal, Concern Azovmash, and the Mariupol Sea Trading Port. There are also shipyards, fish canneries, and the various educational institutions relating to the study of metallurgy and science.
The total industrial production of the city for eight months in 2005 (January � August) was 21378.2 million hryvnas (4.233 billion USD), compared to 1999 � 6169.806 million hryvnas (1.222 billion USD). This is 37.5% of the total production for Donetsk Oblast. The leading business of the city is in ferrous metallurgy, which makes up 93.5% of the city's income from industrial production. The output estimates in millions tones of iron, steel, rolled iron, and agglomerate annually.
� Open Society Ilyich Mariupol steel and iron works (Mariupol Metallurgical Combine named Ilyich) is an integrated mill, with all the facilities for a full metallurgical cycle. Housing around 100 thousand of workers, in Ukraine it is the second in size only after Kryvorizhstal. The company is the collective property of the society of tenants (Joint-Stock Company "Ilyich-steel"; with about 37,000 worker-shareholders). The head of the board of enterprise is the People's Deputy, Volodymyr Boyko. The enterprise has many structural divisions: Management of public catering and trade ("????", a network of 52 enterprises), a chemist's network Ilyich-Pharm, more than 50 agro shops (former collective farms of the south of Donetsk and Zaporizhia Oblasts), the office of the Komsomol Mines, various machine-building enterprises in the Cherkasy Oblast, Mariupol International