Economic activity of Zarzis is mainly based on Tourism, the fishing and agriculture. In the industry, it is industry food, which dominates with 55 companies of 89.
The olive occupies a special place in Zarzis {{citation needed | where there are 1,228,700 feet occupying a area {{of formatnum: 61335} hectares of which 85%} are in full production|date=July 2012}}. Production of the campaign 1999 - 2000Template:Formatnum reached: 59,500 tons Olive s, equivalent to 11,900 tons of olive oil. This production is processed through the 57 mills Guimaraes of the delegation and provides more formatnum Template:5000 direct jobs. In 2011, the city is the scene of stowaway to Europe. The local economy is diverse�agriculture, mainly olives, oil and tourism