
Travel to Hualian


There are frequent trains from Taipei, and depending on the type of train, the journey can take from two to four and a half hours. Express trains (Taroko Express) take 2 hours and cost 440NTD. The train follows the coast for part of the journey, and the left side of the train offers the best views.

There are also frequent trains to Taitung and, less frequently, to Kaohsiung and then Tainan.

During peak travel season, train tickets are sometimes are hard to get. It is recommended to book your trip early to ensure your seat.


Domestic airlines connect Hualien with all of Taiwan's major cities. It a thirty minute flight to Hualien from Taipei's Sungshan Airport.

There are currently (Dec. 2009) also irregular (charter) flights to Yonaguni Island and Ishigaki Island in Okinawa (Japan), possibly the only international service from this city, and a regular service to Ishigaki Island is being planned