
Location of Murten

The small medieval town lies in the Swiss "Midlands" on the edge of the Great Marsh, on a gentle hill (450 m (1,480 ft) above sea level) and on the shore of Lake Morat (or the Murtensee in German). Numerous attractions from a significant past have been well preserved here, such as the castle, the ring wall, the street scene and the arcades. Lake Morat is a smaller lake located in between Lake Biel and Lake Neuch�tel.

Mount Vully stands on the western side of the Seeland's largest plain and resembles a pearl gently placed among the three lakes of Morat, Neuch�tel and Biel/Bienne. Already long ago, the Celtic and Helvetic tribes appreciated the region's temperate climate and the local countryside's particular charm. Today, the Vully vineyards take up a large part of the south face of Mount Vully. The over 100 hectares of vineyards are facing towards Lake Morat.

Murten/Morat is also famous in history for the defeat of Charles the Bold by the Swiss in 1476. The former fortified city has kept most of its ramparts and towers