By train
It takes nearly 3 hours to reach Davos by train from Zurich. There are train connections from Zurich�s Hauptbahnh of (main station) to Davos every hour between 6AM and 11PM. You can check timetables and other information on the official Swiss Federal Railways website.
Fares to Klosters (one stop nearer to Zurich) are cheaper at CHF 96 return in second class. The train journey between Klosters Dorf and Davos Platz, stopping at Klosters Platz and Davos Dorf on the way, takes just under half an hour. It is free for tourists with the inclusive Davos/Klosters visitor card (G�stekarte).
Air travellers may also take advantage of the Fly & Rail baggage service where baggage may be deposited, after clearing customs in Zurich, at the railway counter in the station for direct transfer to Klosters and Davos. Using this service saves the passenger the trouble of carrying luggage when changing trains at Zurich�s Main Station and Landquart. The Fly & Rail rate for luggage is CHF 20.00 (US$ 15.00) per item.
By bus
Buses from Churl to Davos run daily. Travel time is approximately 2 hours.
During the ski season, buses travel from Zurich airport to Davos Dorf or Davos Platz every Saturday and return from Davos Dorf or Platz to the airport every Saturday in December through April. The trip takes approximately 2 hours, with a pickup at the train stations three times daily.
By car
It will take about 2 hours (160 kilometers/103 miles) to get to Davos by car from Zurich. From Zurich-Kloten Airport: take A51 to Zurich and look for the road signs to Churl (Expressway A), take Exit �Landquart-Davos� and follow road signs to Davos