By train
Rostov has a train station on Moscow - Yaroslavl
railway and is served by several trains, Moscow - Yaroslavl expresses
and local trains from Yaroslavl to various stations between Rostov and
Alexandrov. It is possible to get to Rostov from Moscow by local trains
with change in Alexandrov, but check timetable first, because trains
from Alexandrov to Yaroslavl sometimes get cancelled recently. Express
or morning trains from Moscow seem to be most convinient connection
If you're planning to return from Rostov to Moscow by train,
be aware of the evening gap in connections - there are no trains between
8pm and 2am, and there might be no tickets on 8pm express and you may
spend several not so comfortable hours on the train station at night.
By car
The distance from Moscow is 202km (3 hours)