Novosibirsk is a large industrial center. The industrial complex consists of 214 large and average industrial enterprises. These produce more than two thirds of all industrial output of the Novosibirsk region. Leading industries are the electric power industry, gas supply, water supply, metallurgy, metal working, and mechanical engineering.
According to the television station RBC Novosibirsk took third place in 2008 in the list of the cities of Russia most attractive to business (in 2007 it was placed thirteenth).
Before the relocation of its headquarters to Ob, S7 Airlines had its head office in Novosibirsk.
The headquarters' of a number of large Russian companies are located in Novosibirsk:
� RATM Holding
� Belon
� The Siberian coast� Food Company (until 2009)
� NETA IT Company (Retail, System Integrator, Software Sales)
� Parallels IT Company (Software for virtualization)
� Inmarko Food Company
� Siberian Food Corporation
� Electro-vacuum plant (the largest glass bottles factory in Asian part of country)