Utuado has regained some of its coffee producing power and was the 3rd largest coffee producer in Puerto Rico in the 2002 USDA Agricultural Census. It also produces oranges (ranked 4th), plantains (ranked 6th) and bananas (ranked 9th). It has also been successful with livestock inventory ranking 3rd with hives of bees and 13th with pigs. Industrially, Utuado counts with a few companies that produce textiles, paper and stone.
Utuado today is equipped with a modern and competitive telecommunications infrastructure. Major cell phone companies including Claro, AT&T, Sprint and Open Mobile offer mobile coverage, and Liberty Cablevision and DirecTV offer cable and satellite television service, respectively, with Spanish and English channels as well as high-speed Internet service. Most of the upper building in the University of Puerto Rico Utuado campus as well as the Recreational Plaza of Utuado are both set up with public Wi-Fi Internet access