Festivals and events
� Pescao Festival - March
� A�os Cuarenta Festival - April
� Chig�ero Festival - April
� Betances Festival - April
� Oyster Festival - May
� Boquer�n Bay Crossing - July
� Watermelon Festival - July
� Retorno a la Arena - July
� Patron Festivities - September
� La Pileta Festival - December
� Le Lo Lai Festival - December
Cabo Rojo had a BSN basketball team, Los Turistas de Cabo Rojo (the "Cabo Rojo Tourists") from 1989 to 1993.
Indias de Mayag�ez, female Volleyball team from Liga de Voleibol Superior Femenino played the 2009 season at the Coliseo Rebekah Colberg Cabrera, because their home ground, Palacios de los Deportes, was under remodeling