Hengelo is easily reached by train. You can travel from Hengelo railway station, the main station of Hengelo and get directly and regularly to:
Apeldoorn, Amersfoort, Hilversum, Southern Amsterdam, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Utrecht, Gouda, Rotterdam, Den Haag,Zwolle, Zutphen, Oldenzaal, Almelo, Deventer, Enschede. There are international trains daily to Bad Bentheim, Rheine, Osnabrück,Hannover and Berlin.
For Amsterdam, you should use the train to Schiphol and change at Amersfoort, where there is regular train’s toAmsterdam Centraal railway station, which is the nearest station to the city.
There is also Hengelo Oost railway station and in the future Hengelo Gezondheidspark railway station in Hengelo.
*Within the city limits, the only means of public transport is the bus. Some parts of the route are on bus lanes, specifically built for buses to travel faster.
*The A1/E30 from Amsterdam to Moscow goes right through the city.
*The A35 from Enschede to Wierden goes along the west side of the city.
*Hengelo has a relatively large harbour in the Twentekanaal, a heavily used canal from the Twente region to the IJssel