State kitchens are filled with sweet aromas with the preparation of traditional enchiladas potosinas, molotes, peanut enchiladas, pork palm flower, borracho stew made of maguey fermented juice, and the potosino fiambre or cold snack.
Across the indigenous area of the Huasteca, cured meat and zacahuil are the typical dishes, always complemented with colonche, a local alcoholic beverage made with tuna, all of which may be wrapped-up with some traditional dessert, like the tuna cheese, a goat-milk sweet called cajeta, and the pulque small breads.
Catholic tradition is deeply rooted in local culture, and the year schedule is full of festivities and religious celebrations which take a different spin in each of the regions throughout the state. The traditional event of San Miguel Archangel takes place on September the 29th in the community of Mezquitic de Carmona, which displays plenty of praying and chanting, but also includes a lot of dancing and not less fireworks. On the other hand, the religious occasion to honor the virgin of Purisima Concepcion takes place in the locality of Venado, and features the dance of the famous Matlachines.
The Center for Contemporary Graphics, The Center for Arts and New Technology, the Cultural Center for the Potosina Huasteca, and the Center for the Arts SLP, among other cultural entities, are in charge of the promotion and preservation of the state heritage and traditional artistic expressions, through exhibits, contests and festivals open to the general public. The cultural relevance of the entity, for the city of San Luis in particular, is reflected in the celebration of numerous cultural events taking place through the year, among them : the Vernacular Music Festival and the Son Festival in March; the San Luis Festival and the San Luis Literary International Festival in May; the Folklore and Traditional Arts International Exhibition and the Lilia Lopez Contemporary Dance International Festival