Industrial sector
The economy of Matamoros depends primarily on its proximity to the United States, due to the importance of the strong presence of foreign investment in the area. Maquiladoras are a direct representation of American presence in the state of Tamaulipas; the trade of goods through the international bridges and the flow of people on both sides of the border play a huge role in the economic posture of Matamoros.
Matamoros is home to more than 122 maquiladoras dedicated in its majority to export to the United States. This industry produces technological goods like cables, electrical appliances, electrical components, vehicle parts and accessories, textiles, chemical products, machinery, and computer products. The city operates about 35% of the Tamaulipas’ maquiladora industry, placing second, just behind Reynosa. In December 2004, the maquiladora industry gave employment to more than 52,777 workers in Matamoros, which showed an increase of 576 jobs compared to 2003, formulating a 60% increase in employment.
Commercial sector
This economic activity is the second most important in the city of Matamoros, generating approximately 13.5% of the total employment in the municipality. The rapid growths of the population in Matamoros, along with an increase in incomes, have amplified the demand of satisfiers in the area. In the whole state of Tamaulipas, Matamoros places first in terms of jobs and businesses generated by foreign investment in the area, summing a total of 238 companies, 36% of the state's whole business sector.
Agricultural sector
The rural area of Matamoros, Tamaulipas encompasses 97 communities, with more than 36,096 habitants in these small agrarian sectors. Traditionally, the city was eminently agricultural, cultivating sorghum, corn (maíz), beans, vegetables, and sunflower by millions each year. The terrain in Matamoros categorized in two factions: gley soil, land that is only