As with the rest of the country, Chetumal and its surroundings hold a countless number of traditional festivities. Imbued in them are Mayan culture, the culture of the respective communities and Mexican folk culture.
These are some of the important dates to take into account:
Carnival of Chetumal: before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. As with other carnivals in the world, this carnival is full of lights, colors, music, dance, theme carriages, flowers and of course, the announcement of a king and queen.
Anniversary of the City’s Founding: May 5. This festivity consists of remembering and representing the beginnings of Chetumal, through parades, dressing up, historical readings, and a bazaar of local products, within a festive atmosphere of music and joy.
Frontera Sur International Fair: October. This is a good opportunity for a double wham! On one hand, you can learn about Chetumal and its surroundings, and on the other, you can learn about Belize. It is a festivity where both countries and cultures come together, in order to create a magical party filled with delicious flavors, music and fun.
As part of the calendar of national festivities, you should also take into account Easter, the Day of the Dead and the Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
There are also other festivities happening throughout the year, so whenever you decide to come, it will not be hard for you to coincide with a celebration, which will allow you to see and enjoy the surprises Chetumal has in