Kota Bharu's population is 70% Muslim. With the remainder consisting of Buddhists and Christians. The Indigenous peoples which reside in the outskirts are generally practising Christians. The local Chinese community which are mainly urban practise mainly Buddhism. The local state government is helmed by the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, hence it has pursued a stricter form of Islam in the city and state, Kota Bharu was declared an Islamic City vis-a-vis Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam. Morality police are ubiquitous here and apprehend people who engaged in acts perceived immoral. Kota Bharu is the most conservative city in Malaysia. The Jawi script is applied in streetnames and restaurants.
Social activities that do not contradict with the Islamic norm are allowed. Government offices and many stores are closed on Fridays and Saturdays, but the vibrant markets remain open except for Islamic prayer times. The conservative Kelantanese state government under PAS has implemented some Islamic laws. These include switching on lights in cinemas during screening time until cinemas were closed down and separate check-out counters in supermarkets for males and females and khalwat, the Islamic rule on proximity between males and females. However, these regulations only apply for Muslims only.
The Kota Bharu Municipal Council, the local government authority, discourage the wearing of indecent attire by female employees in retail outlets and restaurants. Those who are caught for dressing indecently may be fined up to RM 500. The definition of indecent dressing include "body hugging outfits which show off the body, blouses which show the navel, see through blouses, mini-skirts and tight pants