in departs from Wakaf Bharu Station at 08.47PM and reaches Woodlands CIQ Station at 10.15AM on the next day.
To Wakaf Bharu station: The same train services with different train number may also get you into Kota Bharu through Wakaf Bharu station. The Express train No 28 (Senandung Wau) that departs from Kuala Lumpur Sentral station at 08.30PM, arrives at Wakaf Bharu station at 09.21AM on the next day. Another Express train No 26 (Senandung Timuran) that departs from Woodlands CIQ station in Singapore at 07.00PM, arrives at Wakaf Bharu station at 08.44AM on the next day.
Other trains
• Malayan Tiger: This is the brand new service introduced by "KTM" (Malaysian Railways) in late 2011. This train is using special coaches donated by the Japanese Government. As of July 2012, this train is operating thrice weekly between Tumpat and Johor Bahru. This train departs from Wakaf Bharu Station at 05.18PM every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday and reaches Johor Bahru Sentral station at 07.20AM on the next day. On the opposite direction, this train departs from Johor Bahru Sentral station at 10.30PM every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and arrives at Wakaf Bharu station at 01.11PM on the next day.
• To Thailand: There are no train services directly into Thailand. You will have to catch bus No 29 from Kota Bharu Central Bus Terminal to Rantau Panjang and cross the border into Sungai Kolok and proceed from there. The morning train up to Bangkok currently departs Sungai Golok at 11.20AM.
By bus
The state-run SKMK and Transnasional is the largest bus company, and runs all the city and regional buses, as well as most of the long-distance buses. It operates from the central bus station (city and regional buses) and the Langgar bus station (long-distance buses). All the other long-distance bus companies operate from Jalan Hamzah external bus station. On arrival in Kota Bharu some of the buses