The lake waters contain large concentrations of Na+, HCO3- and CO32-
ions. They originate from inflow from the Sandai and Emsos rivers, and
from about 200 alkaline hot springs that are present at three onshore
sites: Loburu, Chemurkeu, and a southern group (Ng'wasis, Koibobei,
Losaramat). Other springs discharge directly from the lake floor. Lake
Bogoria also contains the highest concentration of true geysers in
Africa (at least 18 are known). The lake waters are alkaline (pH:10.5)
and saline (up to 100 g/L Total Dissolved Salts). The lake has no
surface outlet so the water becomes saline mainly through evaporation,
which is high in this semi-arid region. The lake itself is meromictic
(stratified) with less dense surface waters lying on a denser more
saline bottom waters. Although hypersaline, the lake is highly
productive with abundant cyanobacteria (Arthrospira fusiformis) that
feed the flamingoes, but few other organisms inhabit the lake e.g. the
monogonont rotifer species Brachionus sp. Austria (belonging to the
Brachionus plicatilis cryptic species complex) is found in high
The lake has not always been saline. Sediment cores from
the lake floor have shown that freshwater conditions existed for several
periods during the past 10,000 years, and that lake level was up to
about 9 m higher than its present level of about 990 m above sea-level.
At times it might have overflowed northward towards Lake Baringo. At
times, during the late Pleistocene it might have been united with a
larger precursor of modern Lake Baringo, but this is still uncertain.
lake area was the traditional home of the Endorois people, who were
forced to leave the area in the 1970s and are now challenging their
removal at the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.
accommodation is available near Loboi village at the north end of the
lake. Camping is permitted at the southern