Though the majority of Ra'anana residents are secular, there is a sizable religious community, mainly consisting of Modern Orthodox Jews, many of whom are Western immigrants, in particular from the U.S., U.K., South Africa and France. The integration of religious people into the general social, cultural and commercial life of the city has a distinctive effect on the character of the city. There are nearly 100 synagogues in Ra'anana, ranging from small minyanim to large edifices, and including a wide range of traditions, including Sefaradi, Ashkenazi, Yemenite and even Afghani, Libyan synagogues. Due to the large number of immigrants in the city, many of these synagogues often cater to specific immigrant groups. There is also a small Hasidic community ofClevelander Hasidim, led by the Clevelander Rebbe of Ra'anana, Rabbi Yitzchok Rosenbaum. The chief rabbi of the city is RabbiYitzhak Peretz