With an estimated net State Domestic Product (FY 2010) of 157,817 crore (US$28.56 billion) in nominal terms and ~ 630,000 crore (US$114.03 billion) in PPP terms, Delhi is the largest commercial center in northern India. As of 2010, the per capita income of Delhi was 135,820 (US$2,458.34), the third highest in India after Chandigarh and Goa. Delhi's Gross domestic product GDP (at 2004-05 prices), on an average, has registered an astonishing 10.7% growth for the past five years, making it one of the fastest emerging city in the region. Being a rich city, it is also one of the most livable cities in the country.
As per the Economic survey of Delhi (2005–2006), the tertiary sector contributes 70.95% of Delhi's gross SDP followed by secondary and primary sectors, with 25.20% and 3.85% contribution, respectively. Delhi's workforce constitutes 32.82% of the population showing an increase of 52.52% between 1991 and 2001. Delhi's unemployment rate decreased from 12.57% in 1999–2000 to 4.63% in 2003. In December 2004, 636,000 people were registered with various employment exchange programmes in Delhi.
In 2001 the total workforce in all government (union and state) and quasi-government sector was 620,000. In comparison, the organised private sector employed 219,000. Key service industries include information technology, telecommunications, hotels, banking, media and tourism. Delhi's manufacturing industry has also grown considerably as many consumer goods industries have established manufacturing units and headquarters in and around Delhi. Delhi's large consumer market, coupled with the easy availability of skilled labour, has attracted foreign investment in Delhi. In 2001, the manufacturing sector employed 1,440,000 workers while the number of industrial units was 129,000.
Construction, power, telecommunications, health and community services, and real estate form integral parts of Delhi's economy. Delhi has India's one of the largest and