
Travel to Longleng


The nearest Airport to Longleng is Dimapur Airport at Dimapur; Nagaland is about 630 km from Longleng. Dimapur Airport has flight services to all major destinations of the country.

From the airport, tourists can hire a taxi / cab to reach the city. Private and government buses are also available.


Longleng has no railway line. The nearest railway station is Dimapur railway station which is640 km from Longleng.

From the railway station, tourists can hire a taxi / cab to reach the city. Private and government buses are also available.


Longleng is well connected to all major cities of Nagaland via district roads.

The familiar way to reach Longleng is to come to Tuensang which is only 45 km from Longleng and from there it is one straight road to reach