Fairs and festivals
Onam, Vishu and Malik Deenar Uroos are widely celebrated festivals here. Eid, Bakrid, 'Milad-e-sheriff' and Muharram are celebrated in a manner similar to that seen in Kozhikode. These festivals along with Shivaratri and Pooja Vaypu (Dasara) are enthusiastically celebrated by the local people, as is Deepavali. 'Milad-e-sheriff' celebration includes cultural activities, competitions such as speech, songs and processions by madrassa students.
There are also local festivals like Kumbala Veddikett. Another festival of importance is Moodappaseva, a local festival celebrated in the Madhur Temple periodically.
Bootha kola- A spiritual act performed in Kasargod.
The recognized administrative language of Kasaragod is Malayalam. Tulu, Kannada and Konkani are also spoken. Besides theseHindi/ Urdu / Beary language are spoken by minorities. There are quite a good number of Havyaka Kannada speakers