In the ancient time city came under the Matsya Kingdom, which was ruled by Meenas and a large population of Meenas can be seen in nearby villages there are many ancient structures still present in the town build during the regime of Matsya Kingdom . Traditionally in some mythical stories the city is believed to be associated with the mythology of Hiranyakashyapa and Prahlada mentioned in Bhagavata Purana. Local tradition tells us that Hindon was the capital of Hiranyakashyapa, father of Prahlada. because of this fact the area is known as 'Hiranakus Ki Kher'. 'Kher' in local language means capital. This is further confirmed by the existence of monuments like 'Hiranakus Ka Mandir', 'Prahlada Kund', 'Nrisinha Temple', 'Hiranakus Ka Kua', and 'Dhobi Pachhad'. About 40 year back there was a sculptor of Hiranakus in 'Hiranakus Ka Mandir' but now it has been replaced by that of Rama and temple has become famous as 'Raghunath Mandir'. 'Hiranakus Ka Kua' is situated in the heart of city and ruins nearby are that of Bharon temple. Langda Bharon (Langur) is very popular in Karauli area. 'Dhobi Pachhad' is believed to be the spot where Prahlada was thrown out from the Palace. There is also a place called 'Holika Dah' where Holika tried to burn Prahlad but she herself was destroyed in the fire. At last Vishnu assumed the form Nrisimha Awtar and killed Hiranyakashyapa