Dharmapuri district forms a major horticultural belt in the state. The soil type ranges from black to mixed loam. Red sandy soils are seen in Harur Taluk, black and loam soil are found in Dharmapuri Taluk. Generally the soil is low in nitrogen and phosphate content with no marked variation between Taluks. As the area is drought–prone it has become essential to switch over to cultivation of drought tolerant perennial fruit crops in this district.
Many types of fruit and all the vegetables are cultivated, with mango being the main crop. The district accounts for nearly one-third of the state's total mango cultivation area and nearly one-half of the mango yield. Nearly 80% of the produce is of the Thotapuri variety.
The district has the second highest area of tomato cultivation in the state, accounting for 22% of the total, and world class tamarind is also an important crop. It's also famous for manioc/cassava/arrow root, flowers, ground nut, sugarcane, coconut.
A new SIPCOT industrial complex has been planned around the town and the initiative activities are in progress.
Mineral resources
Dharmapuri district has sizeable reserves of granite. High quality black granite is quarried in Pennagaram, Harur and Palacode and is exported to many European countries. Quartzis found at the villages of Kendiganapalli in Pennagaram Taluk, Velampatti in Harur taluk and Pethathampatti in Pappireddipatti Taluk.
Another high value mineral available here is molybdenum, which is to be found in Harur and is the only source of molybdenum in India.
Dharmapuri being an inland district, fishing is restricted to inland only