The city is a major stations: Dehri Junction. There are well connecting trains with India's major cities. The railway bridge between Dehri-On-Sone and Sonenagar is the longest railway bridge of India having length of 3.03 K.M. of 93 span each having a length of 32.58m. There is a domestic airport, Suara Airport in Dehri On Sone. It is occasionally used for private planes, choppers and helicopters. Dehri is well connected with major cities of India. There is a GT Road NH 2 connecting kolkatta and Delhi. Some of the major trains which stop in Dehri On Sone include the Ranchi Rajdhani Express, Ranchi Garib Rath, Kalka Mail, Purushottam Exp, Mahabodhi Exp, Kolkata Mail, Jodhpur Exp,Poorva Express, Jharkhand Swarn Jayanti Express, Puri Express, Neelanchal Express, Jalianwala Bagh Express, Mumbai Mail and Chambal Exp. The local public transportation is buses, Taxi, cycle rickshaw and auto rickshaw available 24 hours