Chandrapur is known for hot and dry climate. Humidity is very low in the region. Temperatures start decreasing in October with December being the coldest month, with a minimum average temperature of 7.6 °C and maximum of 28.2 °C. The Southern region is warmer than the Northern region. The lowest recorded temperature is 3 °C (Northern region) and 8 °C (Southern). Temperatures begin to rise in February. May is the hottest month with a mean maximum temperature of 45 °C and minimum of 28 °C. It is not uncommon for temperatures to reach up to 46 °C, and temperatures in this region are often the highest in Southern Asia. The highest temperature ever recorded in Chandrapur was 48.3 °C on May 16, 1912 and lowest temperature recorded was 2.8 °C on January 10, 1899. Monsoons bring humidity to the region in June, and this lasts until September.
The average annual rainfall is about 1420 mm. The Eastern region receives more rainfall than Wester monsoon season [Jun-Sep], which exceeds 70%, but it falls down rapidly in Summer [Feb-May]. Average number of rainy days is 60 to 65 per year. The humidity is relatively more during the 20%.
The prominent wind direction is from South to North. In Summer the wind direction is from East to south and in Monsoon from South to East. During Winter [October–January], the wind direction changes from North to East