DumDum Airport (Kolkata) is the nearest airport from Bolpur-Santiniketan apporoxmately 213 Kilometers by road.
How to reach Bolpur Santiniketan by Road :
Good motorable roads connect Santiniketan with Kolkata 213 kms (The distance of Bolpur from Panagarh 44, from Burdwan 48 and from Calcutta 119), Durgapur 56 kms, Sarnath 197 kms.
Local Transport:
Tourist cars and buses are available from bus stand or Railway station. Best local Transport is Cycle Rickshaw - Fare according to distance from Rs: 10 - 50 or fix it by hours usually Rs.25-30 per hour.
How to reach Santiniketan by Rail: The nearest railway station is Bolpur, 2 km away from the main town. The list and the time of the trains which are connecting the Bolpur-Santiniketan throughout the rest of part of the country are given below :