
Climate in Bhusawal

The weather in Bhusawal is dry and hot. In the summer season temperatures reach around 46 to 49 degree Celsius, which amounts to the highest in the country. Now in 2010 summer period the temperature of this city cross their limit i.e. 49. In May-2010 the temperature came to souring 49.8 Due to so much high temperature diseases like Swine flu doesn't exist in Bhusawal

Wellness Foundation - Bhusawal said that Bhusawal is badly affected by global warming and local warming because of the presence of multiple power plants and factories. Ratio of tree cutting is also increasing. it was 49 in May 2010 and in DECEMBER 2011 it was 8.5 DC. and meter will rise rapidly again, this change is drastic and giving signs of dangers in the near future